Tuesday, April 30, 2013

14 Weeks

Since this is the first weekly post, here are a few questions to get everyone up to date.

How did you find out you were pregnant?
I was eating everything I could get my hands on, and could eat a 12 inch sub in the same amount of time Brandon ate a 6 inch sub.  Needless to say, we were suspicious.  I took a test at 3 week 4 days and it was positive.

When are you due?
October 26, 2013

Do you know the gender yet?
Not yet.  We will find out at our 20 week ultrasound.

Do you have any names picked out yet?
We have had a couple of names picked out for about a year now, but we are keeping them secret until the baby is born. :)

Have you had any ultrasounds yet?
We have had two.  One was at 6 weeks 4 days and the other at 8 weeks 4 days.

Baby Frick at 6 weeks 4 days
Baby Frick at 8 weeks 4 days

Have you heard the heartbeat yet?
Yes!  We were able to see it at the first ultrasound and were able to hear it at the second.  We have been able to hear it with the Doppler at each doctor appointment since.  At 8w4d, baby's heartbeat was 179bpm.

When did you start to show?
I have been fluffy since about eight weeks, but then it was more of a could be baby, could be one too many donuts situation. It has been obviously baby since about 12 weeks.

Now for the weekly update...

This week... baby is about the size of a lemon, measures about 3 inches in length and weighs 2-3 ounces.
Maternity clothes? I gave in around 8 weeks and purchased some maternity pants because my regular pants were making me sick.  Now I am wearing pretty much only maternity pants with my regular shirts.
Sleep has been great since a trip to target where I bought 2 body pillows.
Best moment of the week?
We had a doctor appointment on Monday where we got to hear our little one's heartbeat again.  We also scheduled our gender scan.
Not yet.
Food cravings?
Right now I am craving pickles, tomatoes, and anything cold.
Anything making you queasy or sick?
Not anymore!  I had trouble eating meat and vegetables for awhile, but I have been able to eat both again starting a couple of weeks ago.
I don't really have any right now.  I have said goodbye to the nausea and extreme fatigue from the first trimester.
Have you started to show yet?
Gender prediction?
We don't really have a gut feeling and with be happy with a boy or a girl.
Baby items purchased?
We have our crib and glider and some gender neutral items.  I can't wait to find out if we are having a boy or girl so I can begin planning the nursery and buying more items.
Wedding rings on or off?
Still on and fitting normal.
Looking forward to...
feeling baby move and our gender scan.

Welcome to our blog!

Since Brandon and I have friends and family near and far we have decided to create this blog to share what's going on with our pregnancy as well as share our little one once he or she arrives.  We plan to share weekly updates and bump pictures.  We might also post nursery progress, craft projects, recipes, and other exciting events in our lives.  Stay tuned for the first baby update!